Thursday, April 20, 2006

After munching on an Amy’s Bread low-fat applesauce doughnut (pictured in the Freewheelin’ Donut), Blognut is still hungry. We decide to finally try the much-anticipated Corner Bistro hamburger.

Cheap beer, lots of meat, and old-school tavern charm makes the Corner Bistro a popular hangout with late-night, drunken burger seekers, so it’s best to go early. At 2:30 on Sunday afternoon we have no problem getting a booth in the back room. Seeing no doughnuts on the short menu, we order a cheeseburger with French fries. We put the fries on the burger (a common Blognut practice).

We eat the burger.

Burger verdict: Thick, messy, and delicious. The only downfall being that it was a bit overcooked (we ordered it medium but probably should have gone medium-rare). Not overly complex, the Bistro burger relies on simple, All-American flavor to please its eater - a definite must-try for any burger-loving New Yorker. The fries were perfectly crisp and good as well.

Burger with French fries.

Burger without French fries.

Burger score: 8.9


  1. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Walker's has a less dingy tavern feel & a better burger.

    My top 3 are:
    LPM's Burger Joint
    Shake Shack

    Corner Bistro and Karavas, a pizza joint, round out the bottom of 5. I like the fries at CB, though- very crisp. Karavas uses thawed patties, and the grill staff will usually lean on it with a spatula, but it usually hits the spot.

    Enjoy reading the blog. I live across from a Dunkin' Donuts and a 10 minute walk from a Krispy Kreme. I might make a few trips, you've inspired me.

  2. I do like Corner Bistro. Cheap, consistent and reliable. Sometimes the wait can be too much though.
