And still more farm-raised, apple cider Nuts. The first one comes to us courtesy of Treelicious Orchards of Port Murray, New Jersey.
These donuts are most Treelicious. While caked in cinnamon and sugar, the dough comes through as the most interesting flavor component. A very simple fried dough taste, the sort usually reserved for funnel cake, is somehow not overshadowed by its sweet surroundings. And in what I assume is a result of the ridiculous amount of oil contained in dough, once structurally comprimised with a hearty bite, the remainder of the Nut wobbles about like Jello.
Visit Treelicious Fridays at the Union Square Farmer's Market and Saturdays at the Grand Army Plaze Farmer's Market in Park Slope, Brooklyn.

Our second offering is fried up by the kind people at the Just Rugelach Bakery in Kearney, New Jersey, who bill themselves as Not Just Rugelach at the Borough Hall Farmer's Market, so as to not dissuade variety seekers. While loads of cinnamon and sugar makes for a tasty experience, we should warn potential eaters that NJR's donuts are extremely hard. Initially we thought perhaps we had a stale Nut on our hands, but after closer examination, the fresh flavor led us to conclude that they were just super-dense. While certainly not the best apple cider Nut we've tasted, they are a nice change from organic vegetables and other such healthy crap offered at most farmer's markets.
I almost forgot, if you find yourself at the Union Square Farmer's Market enjoyng a Nut, make sure you wash it down with a bottle of Red Jacket Orchard's delicious Fuji apple juice.
Donut Scores:
Treelicious - 8.4
Just Rugelach - 6.6
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