Still in Paris. It's definitely the best city I've ever been to - which is saying a lot, because I grew up in Buffalo. While I'm currently working up a Parisian-Nut piece, I just wanted to ask you something: after a night of slurping wine at the brasserie, Mrs. Blognut and I returned to our hotel and for the first time turned on French TV. It seemed really bad, but it was hard to tell for sure because it was all in French. The one show we were able to get in English was Conan, whose guest was The Rock. Out of nowhere The Rock mentions that he loves donuts. Then he says that Dunkin wants to name a Donut after him, at which point Conan says that this is probably the greatest American honor. So does anyone know if this is true?
I don't know if that is true, and I don't recall Dunkin' Donuts ever naming donuts after other "celebrities"-but I think its a great idea-sort of like the donut of the month! But what flavor would the Rock's donut be?
Protein powder donut!
the 'nut that we grilled one night wound up as dry and hard as a rock. does that count?
you guys are no help.
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