…for giving our readership a boost.
You see, Bobby has this show on the
Food Network called Throwdown with Bobby Flay. The premise has the red-headed wonder challenging cooks around the country to a “throwdown” involving that particular person’s strong suit. He’s taken on New Jersey’s own
Butch in a BBQ competition, Staten Island’s Giorgio Giove in Pizza, and Louisville, Kentucky’s Lynn Winter (owner of
Lynn’s Paradise Café) in breakfast. But last weekend Flay threwdown something a bit closer to Blognut’s stomach, the Doughnut.
Now for Bobby to prove himself a worthy doughnut-maker, there’s really only one person that comes to mind for him to do battle against – the nation’s foremost artisanal Doughnut monger, Mark Isreal, owner and operator of NYC’s
Doughnut Plant. And that’s just what he did.

Throwdown is an awkward enterprise for two reasons. One, Bobby’s competitors have no idea that they’re about to be challenged. Basically the Food Network contacts them asking to do a feature. FN execs are like, “Yeah, we just want to follow you around for a week watching you cook. Then we’ll throw a big party and film it, sort of a grand finale for you to showcase your specialty to millions of viewers.” Then the person they've contacted is like, “Count me in. I can’t believe I’m going to be on the Food Network. Rock on.” (I’m paraphrasing here). But what the Network doesn’t tell the competitor, is that just when the party’s about to begin, they plan to send in world-renowned chef Bobby Flay with 2 professional assistants and $50,000 in high-end cooking equipment, to challenge them, and potentially rip away their one source of pride. It’s really pretty messed up. Because it’s not like these people asked to be challenged by one of the most accomplished chefs in the country. And it’s not like they can decline, as this would one, appear cowardly, and two, most likely ruin their chances of ever appearing on the Food Network again.

So the second weird aspect of Throwdown, is that friends and family members of whomever Bobby is battling, are used as judges, so Flay never really has a chance. Now I assume this is to skirt the painful awkwardness of BF actually winning. But on the other hand, it makes for boring, predictable TV. Now I think the Food Network has begun to realize this, because the last two Throwdown episodes I’ve seen (battle-Doughnut included) have used blinded judges. And how hard was it to watch when Bobby actually beats a small-time seafood chowder maker from Williamsburg Brooklyn?! Bobby shows up unannounced, embarrasses the hell out of the guy in front of all his friends, and drives off in his shiny black pickup back to Manhattan. It's just a totally ill-conceived idea for television show.
But back to Doughnuts. To celebrate the Doughnut Plant’s 7th anniversary, Mark Isreal and co are throwing a Doughnut Disco on a West Manhattan pier. As expected, Mark thinks all the cameras are there to film the event for his Food Network profile. Then Bobby Flay shows up.

Mark looks stunned as Bobby explains what’s happening, but agrees to the throwdown (I'm starting to hate this word). As Bobby walks away, Mark’s expression turns agitated. “What is this?! He tricked me into this! I’m not doing it!” (or words to that effect). Then comes a shot of a nervous looking Flay – as if thinking,
this has never happened before. Now what? Next we see Isreal’s assistant giving him a pep talk and finally announcing, “We’ll do it. We’ll do it.” The only catch is Mark refuses to make any doughnuts from scratch. He says he doesn’t have the right equipment with him, and that he will only compete if he can use the pre-made Doughnuts he brought with him to the Disco. Flay agrees to the terms.
This whole episode really bothered me. The Doughnut plant is one of my all time favorite doughnut-houses, and witnessing such childish behavior from its founder was upsetting.
Bobby starts by unveiling his ever-so-chefy blackberry and white-chocolate ganache-filled yeast-raised with hazelnuts. Mark counters with his Chocolate Blackout – a chocolate cake doughnut stuffed with chocolate pudding – and a raspberry-glazed (the chunks of fresh fruit in the glaze look amazing). But the competitors can only submit one entry to the judges. So Mark pulls out his secret weapon – his popular Tres Leches Cake Doughnut. Based on the tradiaional Mexican cake recipe, the TL is a cake-doughnut injected with three different types of milk.
Mark released the Tres Leches this past May in honor of Cinco de Mayo.
I happened to stop by the day it was released (I used to spend a lot of time at the Plant) and spoke with Mark: “We may have to keep this one on the menu. Everyone seems to love it," he said.
While we know the Tres Leches is top-notch (Blognut gave it a near perfect 9.8), Bobby’s sounds equally spectacular. He busts out a Bourbon Pecan-glazed (which he likens to a Paula Dean creation). Now they try each others. “That’s really good,” Bobby says with a mouthful of doughnut. “Doughy,” says Mark in reaction to Flay’s.
Why must this guy be so unlikable?In walk the judges – two NYPD cops. When asked what they look for in a Doughnut, one of the cops responds, “I want them light and not messy, so I can eat them on the go.” They start with Bobby’s Bourbon Pecan. “It’s too gooey, and the nuts would get all over my uniform. Plus, it’s challenging to chew.” And now Mark’s. “It’s fresh and airy. Just what I look for in a Doughnut. I do like the flavor of the Bourbon Pecan, but it’s not quite there. The Tres Leches wins.”
Mark looks relieved and smirks at the camera. He exchanges a painfully awkward handshake with Bobby, who flashes a toothy faux smile. At the beginning of the show, Flay had praised the Doughnut Plant as being his favorite Doughnut shop, and reported being a regular customer. But I’m pretty sure, that thanks to an awful premise for a television show, and a catty, unreceptive Doughnut Maker named Mark, he’ll never set foot in the Plant again.
But like I said at the beginning of this post, THANK YOU Bobby for throwing down with Mr. Isreal, because thanks to hundreds of people a day Google-ing “Tres Leches Doughnut,” Blognut’s readership has nearly doubled.
I always said Bobby Flay was a punk...this just proves it!
Yeah, it's really too bad that Mesa Grill is so good.
The first time I saw Bobby Flay's throwdown was when he beat the Chowder guy, whom I truly liked and felt really bad for, he was a nice guy. When the doughnut throwdown came around I wanted to see it just in case Bobby got beaten by the master but must say, Mark Isreal is not a friendly guy - seemed full of himself and I didn't like that; when the show was over I was left feeling bad for poor ol' Bobby. That said, I'll be stopping by Mark's place to taste one of those tres leches creations - hope they're still available since I live in AZ and will be in town briefly visiting family and friends! By the way, I will have to make a special trip to Portland to visit that Voodo place, thanks to you my waistline is getting bigger......thanks a lot Blognut!
On the surface, the premise can be seen as tough on a "little guy" since Flay is a very well known chef but there is another side to the coin. The people who participate in these, although without knowledge of the twist, are very local players who have no name outside of their area code.
Isreal may have been "ambushed" but he was also identified as having been chosen as one of the best around, anywhere. That is a true sign of respect. Unlike a 5 minute spot on a morning show, these run 20,30,100 times? The publicity for these small players is amazing and regardless of how they might see it as a bit of a bait and switch, it's not. I actually think it's to their benefit.
Imagine you're being interviewed by the premier magazine for your field of work and half way through it, a hige name in the field, someone with global recognition comes to challenge you on your turf. A real champion is the one who looks at it as a true honor. If the Yankees came to a small town bush-league game and challenged the locals, would they not be honored that they were considered good enough to play on the same field?
A loser is someone who would see that as someone coming there to make them look bad.
Isreal (and the ice cream guy too) had a very bad attitude about the whole thing. Even if they lost, and they didnt they got 30 minutes (or 22 with commercials) to talk about their passion, share the screen with a famous chef and millions of people now know who they are. Even if they lost, so what? If flay going to make donuts now? Is he going to make chowder, ribs, ice cream? No.
Flay is no punk, he worked hard, made great food and doesnt take himself too seriously.
Great food is about passion, creativity, soul, inventiveness, and above all, a great attitude. Isreal might have made the better donut but Flay was the better man.
By no means am I a fan of Bobby Flay. I respect what he does and what he has accomplished in his life (albeit from what i have seen on Food Network). With this in mind, Mark Isreal (Is Not Real) came off looking like a smug jelly filled a-hole. I mean seriously, what is worse, being "ambushed" by Bobby Flay on a Food Network show or competing for the america's stomach against corporate doughnut shops like Dunkin or Krispy? I wanted the pompous tool (Mark Isreal) to lose. How unsavory of a person do you have to be to have a viewer wish that upon you?
mark was painful to watch:
- his bleeped protests against being "ambushed"
- his boxed and premade doughnuts
- his comment for flay: "dough-y"
- the jelly handshake
- his annoying assistant
- the unsophisticated pallets of the fat cops.
what a jerk.
Yep, this is definitely one of the few instances when I've actually wanted Flay to win. Mark was nearly unwatchable with his childish tantrums and utter lack of humor. When you're stuck on a disco cruise making Donuts against Bobby Flay, you really need a sense of humor and self awareness about the whole thing - because what you're doing has little consequence and should be fun for all. Donuts are fun. Mark had the chance to gain exposure and support for the artisanal Donut community and totally blew it. He's a sad representative of the independent Donut.
I do like Bobby Flay, and he should have won only because he(Mark)was a jackass putting it nicely. That Mark guy was very unprofessional and a real jerk. And that right hand man leaves a lot to say. When there over there having their little pow-wow Mark acting like they needed to call The Nanny in to tell that his behavior was unacceptable. If I were Bobby I wouldn't have given him the time of day. It took a lot in my point of view for Bobby to stand there and take his insults. Furthermore I really felt bad for him(Bobby). I do not believe that anybody should be subjected to that kind of treatment. If anything he should be giving Thanks to Bobby for giving him the opportunity to get some kind of publicity. If he acts like this on national tv. Can you imagine how he acts in his place of business. Poor employees...
fully awkward episode. I think Flay is kinda creepy for "duping" his opponents into such a competition. I have to side with Israel on this. He was just throwing a party, having a good time, and in walks "Buzzkill Bobby" with his throwdown. i didn't like this episode one bit. the ace of cakes show that followed was cool though. i'd rather see throwdown off the air and Good Eats in his spot.
Agreed that Ace of Cakes is a stellar television show!
Throwdown is so insane as a concept (as cocky as Flay is, it takes crazy balls to cast yourself as a valid opponent to the best man/woman in EVERY FIELD OF COOKING), and I think this particular episode proves why. They both come off looking nuts, but I gotta go with Flay here.
Hey ,has anyone else tried those Holey Donuts!,no the donut plant these celebrity donuts that are low fat?They have some secret donut making process that creates a low fat donut,not that trans fat stuff,but really low fat!..i ordered some on the web from www.holeydonuts.net and they came via FedEx in a special frozen container ,i must say damn good! Not at all what you would expect from something claiming low fat. They tasted great,yeast raised,filled and frosted outrageousness! Light,fluffy and oh so tasty and most of all they didn't leave you feeling greased and bloated...i know i sound like a commercial but iam in love!
ps try the cinnamon buns...words cant describe ,these guys are destined for greatness!
I usually side against Bobby on these shows, but just couldn't get over Mark Isreal's sorry, catty attitude. On top of everything else I was looking forward to seeking these doughnuts out. Now I have no desire at all.
As a side note I don't see this as an interuption of Mark's party as well since(unless I'm misinformed) FoodNetwork sponsors and is throwing it for him. Thus its their party in honor of him and they can do as they please. Well....up to a point hehe.
I just watched this episode today. I must start by saying I am not a Flay fan and this is the only episode of throwdown I have seen.
I thought Flay was actually pretty nice, he raved about this guys doughnuts repeatedly and gave him props when describing how he would have to bring his game up.
But this Isreal guy what a bitchy dude. Even before the throwdown he was just vian and arrogant. But when the throwdown happened, good gracious just so unbelievably lame. "they tricked me" boo freaking hoo...I honestly said outloud what a bitch as the episode ended.
i just watched that episode and immensely dislike mark isreal. at first i was excited to see some cool donuts being made, but after 10 seconds of that isreal guy being on screen i couldn't stand him. he's henchman creeped me out- i hope he's nowhere near when the food is being prepared.
Mark Israel seems like a petulant 5 year old. It is awkward that Bobby Flay ambushes his competition, but most of the other competitors have been great sports, win or lose. Mark was just a jerk. After seeing his behavior on the show, I've lost any interest I had in the Doughnut Plant.
Whew, wow, I'm almost a year late on this comment, but I was surfing the web on Mark Isreal mainly because I went to the Doughnut Plant today and tried the Tres Leches doughnuts as well as those chocolate ones. I can only say they are incredibly amazing, fluffy, light yet creamy, and Mark Isreal was extremely personable and friendly! I guess he's just the type who hates being under pressure and hey, its 'reality tv' so they've probably edited stuff out. in the end , I don't know if anybody really cares about this but just writing it to put my 2 cents in!
Just watched this episode (in repeat evidently) and, like most of you here, was left feeling that the doughnut guy was incredibly unlikeable. I kept thinking his Royal Doughness would eventually come around - that by episode end at least, he'd give Flay a genuine compliment or a word of encouragement or something resembling actual politeness...but nope, he was an ahole from his first screen moment right through to the end. At least he's consistent! (And so apparently are his doughnuts.)
I was watching this episode yesterday. I was so annoyed at Mark. He's a total jerk, lol. I can't believe how childish he was. Grr. I wanted to hit him. I really wanted Bobby to win just so Mark would be POed, haha.
Isreal is a douchebag who was probably abused as a youngster and now any remaining self esteem is imbedded in his freaking tres leches batter. What an uptight, humorless bitch. I do agree these victims of the Flay throwdown are put in a weird situation but usually some exposure is better than none at all. Isreal is contributing to the obesity problem in this country and shamlessly touts his wares as being the best. As if a doughnut is anything other than an artery clogging heart attack waiting to happen.
I knew i wasn't alone when i watched this. all i thought was...what a jerk!
I didn't know that the premise of the show was an 'ambush' type...i started watching during the competition.
nevertheless, there's no reason for someone to act like such a complete asshole. his comment after the jelly handshake "this wouldn't happen in my doughnuts" was rediculous.
as good as that guys' donuts sound, i wouldn't go into buy one knowing that the owner is such a douche...i'm glad there are so many others that feel that way.
After watching most Throwdown episodes, I must say I was shocked to see how Mark Isreal was acting. He was such an arrogant, conceited cry baby! Even before Bobby Flay showed up, Mark seemed wayy to much into HIMSELF in a vain way. There was no warmth and yeah people praise their specialties, but he seemed to be Boasting. And when Bobby Flay showed up, Mark's reaction was overboard. At first I kept thinking "hey maybe he is joking around" like how people sometimes put down their opponents, but mean no harm on it...its all in good fun. But nope, Mark's attitude only got worse! Its true as Bobby Flay points out, Mark didnt bring his batch over for him to try and ask to try his. And throughout the show, he seemed far away from BobbyFlay. Most people shake hands and laugh. I am glad in the end Bobby FLay did not win, beacuse I was scared and almost embarrased to see what Mark would have done. (hey maybe Food Network purposely let Mark win?!)Games and challenges are all in god fun, and another great example of a sore loser is Dustin Diamond in Celebrity Fit Club this past season. Maybe Mark and Dustin should become best friends.
Isreal needs to get a clue from the sticky bun girl from Harvard.
I cannot believe the negative attitude towards Bobby Flay.
He may come off cocky to some but I see a young street kid from New York who was headed down the road to mediocrity until he found his perfect path in life thru food.
His shows are interesting and fun and he is always gracious whether in victory or defeat.
Bobby doesn't just go up against Joe Nobody. He goes up against the acknowledged expert in that area for that particular food dish.
Many challenges are way out of his normal sphere of knowledge but he goes in anyway.
He is a chef, not a chocolatier nor a baker but he takes on a candy maker in one episode, a wedding cake diva in another and a doughnut guru in yet another.
He obviously knows that he will lose many of these challenges but he goes in anyway and surprisingly comes very close to winning.
I'd say Flay would win more of his challenges if he didn't get creative and put his twist on some of these traditional dishes. He makes them his own and that is usually his downfall since many of the challenge judges seem to be looking for the traditional flavor and way of making the dish (even if Bobby's often seem like they'd taste better).
It's all in fun people. Get a grip, relax and enjoy the show.
umm, yeah, the challenged chefs may be surrounded by supporters and though those supporters get to try both chef's dishes, they always bring in "experts" to be the actual judge of the contest, and the dishes are anonymous until the winner is announced. I only really remember two, the two NYC cops and on the burger challenge episode they brought in come singing restaurant owner... oh, and Bobby won that one, though the chef he had challenged had already won $20,000 for that burger so she was a good sport about it, i think it was even her birthday party.
I always knew that this show should've been called "Ambush" with Bobby Flay.
I hate B. Flay, but Isreal is a real jackass. I feel bad for a lot of the people who Flay ambushes, as they are small timers, mostly. But this dude owns a business and is a professional, it's what he does for a living. I wouldn't eat his square donut if he paid me. What a douchebag.
i think everyone should back off on how b.flay approaches his opponents as for wut ive seen they enjoy it very much so just chill sit back and let the show go on!!! thank you
I hate the premise of Throwdown. Sure, a guy with all his training, two assistants and a network's budget and kitchen can make ONE MEAL that is tastier than something that a person has spent a lifetime building from scratch, a product that has to meet not only taste standards, but time and cost requirements. He's a tool, people are ambushed, and livelyhoods are at stake. Mark just let his feelings come out a bit more than others have on the show.
Bobby is great and i am proud of him. so what if he seems cocky to some to me he is absoultely fab! i would watch anything he does. i would rather deal with a cocky chef than a cocky actor. They are the worst.
Well I'm visiting NYC and happen to have caught this episode while in my hotel room. I started immediately planning on getting my hands on some of Mark's doughnuts until I watched this painful episode.
Mark is a total douche. Bobby's show would have done nothing but boost his buisiness but instead Mark used it to look like a complete tool from start to finish.
No thanks - Id rather have regular doughnuts that help fill that a hole's pocket.
I expected better than this from Mark. How unprofessional and arrogant can one get? He reminds me of Ricky Ponting, captain of the Australian cricket team. As for Bobby, he was a good sport as he was able to laugh off Mark's horrible comments. Throwdown is a very educational show , especially for Bobby, since he gets to try his hand at cooking a variety of dishes and put his own twist on it.
I like Bobby Flay, and I think overall, the show is some good natured competition. Most people he goes up against take the whole thing in good spirit, but that Mark Isreal was a fucking jerk. I was curious about his donuts as I have heard about them before, and I often thought if I was in NYC, i might stop by and purchase a dozen, but fuck that...I would not set foot in that idiot's shop..Prissy little Primadonna bitch boy.
Regardless of whether or not you're a BF fan, Mark's behavior was unreasonable and unecessary. How much effort does it take to look at this an opportunity for, at the very least, a good time. My impression of Mark: a self-absorbed diva who has shown his true colors to the entire country. He could have seen this as the free publicity is was and made the best of the situation, but instead he chose to behave like a spoiled rotten fairy. I watched Bobby blow sunshine up Mark's butt with exaggerated compliments left and right. No doubt, this was to ease his mind and help him relax. I would consider it a great compliment if someone of that respect in the industry thought I was good enough to challenge. I think the whole purpose of TD is to give some publicity and a big "atta-boy" to those hometown faves. I've watched this show alot and I really don't think Bobby tries that hard to win. He could if he wanted to, believe me.
Mark: Grow up and quit acting like you're a victim. Opportunity quits knocking when it gets a door in the face.
Mark Isreal seems to be a European homo of some sort.
Whatever the case, dude is freaking weird.
Just caught an episode of Throwdown with Bobby Flay in which he went up against the Mark Isreal, the NYC Doughnut Plant guy.
My compliments to Bobby for being a classy professional. From my perspective as a viewer, this doughnut guy acted like an immature, selfish, insecure prima donna. While Bobby is always complimentary to the chefs he competes against, willing to share the spotlight and acknowledge their skills, this donut guy barely cracked a smile, complained about Bobby's dough and then was caught on camera saying to his partner "they tricked me." What a jerk!
Bobby shouldn't have given the guy the exposure he got through the show but that shows what a stand up guy Bobby is.
The one silver lining - every time Food Network airs this episode, the world gets to see again the difference between a successful professional and a narcissistic skunk.
Next time I'm in NYC, I definitely won't be stopping by the Doughnut Plant.
I watched the donut episode on Food Channel the other night. Mark Isreal is such a JERK!!!... I'm surprised that Food Channel decided to air that episode. Isreal's immaturity really showed... what a freaking JERK!!... as for Bobby Flay... cool as ever... very cool... keep bringing the fun Bobby.
I know 5 year olds that are more grown up then Mark. This guy is a complete jack ass. You won't catch me in his shop.
Mark Isreal is the biggest prick I have ever seen on Throwdown. Even before Bobby showed to interrupted his stupid Donut Disco, he was a jerk on everything else we saw of him.
Too bad Mark Isreal has no sense of humor and is a whiny sad poor sport. They probably told the judges to vote him the winner so he wouldn't start to cry.
What a big baby!
After watching the Doughnut fairy Throwdown for the forth time, my feelings are still the same. Mark is a jerk that did not deserve the recognition that he got from Bobby or the Food Network.
I love the throw down shows, and Bobby if you read this, one day I will come up with a dish to challenge you with. and I won't be mad if you win.
Wow. I just watched this epidsode with Mark Israel for the first time today. What a complete jackass!!! I love Bobby Flay. I can't understand how anyone could call him a punk. He is a great cook and very professional and classy. This Mark guy gave gay people, Jewish people, New Yorkers, and cooks in general a bad name! I don't care how good is doughnuts taste, he just lost a bunch of potential customers, because of his bitchy, catty, unprofessional, and just plain sucky attitude. Yes, they "ambushed" his little party. But come on -- he didn't even make his doughnuts on the spot... In fact, he didn't do ANYthing but act like a conceited little whiney brat. He's probably best friends with Madonna. I really hate this guy, and he is lucky I don't live near his store, because he annoyed so much. I WILL NEVER GO TO HIS STUPID DOUGHNUT STORE, MARK, YOU IGNORANT, BITCHY TWAT! YOU TOTALLY BLEW YOUR OPPORTUNITY FOR FREE PUBLICITY AND ACTED LIKE A COMPLETE BITCH TO BOBBY. CHEW ON THAT, ASS/DOUGHNUTHOLE!!
Oh, Please! Get a clue people! If Food Network said they were going to showcase my speciality, I think I would expect that Bobby Flay would show up...or I'd at least get prepared. For people to be surprised and shocked is unbelievable, it's not like this show is a secret. Whether they win or lose, they get more publicity than they could pay for in a lifetime. I really respect the ones who accept the challenge with humor and grace no matter if they win or lose.
As an international viewer of the show, I now have a list of people to visit for their food when I get to their part of the US. Thanks to Throwdown.
Donut Plant and its sissy owner Mark Isreal is not one of them.
I'm not a big Bobby Flay fan and the name of the show - throwdown - irks me. I have however seen some spectacular cooks and chefs and pastry and pie makers who would otherwise be unknown to me and that in my opinion is gold. For me and certainly for them.
Isreal's "honesty" certainly did not show itself in his stale products and those stupid cops should get a clue. Judge it for what it is...not everyone wears a goddamned uniform and eats their snack in a bacteria infested, sweat stale squad car.
Bobby Flay is cool and a professional. He gained points with me for acting so calm and professional to that baby jerk. Mark Isreal is a cotton headed ninny muggins.
Also The Ace of Cakes sucks. Those people have no personality. I can't wait until that show goes off the air.
What a tool this Isreal guy is! He benefits from having Bobby Flay "ambush" his little party. After all, without the appeal of Bobby's show, no one would watch a profile about some po-dunk doughnut maker.
Sad thing is, all the controversy makes me want to try the donut and see what all the fuss is about.
The person being challenged has to sign a waiver, so they definitely have the opportunity to decline with dignity.
I just want to say that Bobby is awesome, throwdown is a GREAT show as is ACE OF CAKES....If you don't think those people have personality, you must BE LAME! Bobby is professional and is says good things about his competition. This show is also a plug for these people, so they shouldn't be upset. I would feel honored to have Bobby challenge me to a throwdown, it means you're really good at what you do...
I tried some of those doughnuts from the Doughnut Plant and they were just 'ok' and I'd never go back again. Honestly, I've had better doughnuts at my local Kroger Bakery.
Isreal was very ungracious for Bobby publicizing his business to the country. Throwdown is always fun, and done with the purpose of highlighting someone who is admittedly the best at what they do. I will never go to the Doughnut Plant again for the dickish way Isreal treated Food Network.
I too just saw this episode of Throwdown. I only tuned in because in the preview I caught a glimpse that someone might actually NOT appreciate the bait and switch aspect of the show.
Yeah, Mark was a doush, but I can honestly sympathize with him, and I HOPE, that in retrospect, he would have acted differently. I think he just needed the TIME the show DOESN’T give you, in order to process what just happened to him. Look what a let down… (Especially for a narcissist) to find out that the FN just set him up. I’d be pretty bummed out too. Granted his wounded pride turned pretty sour, but it WOULD be disappointing.
Honestly… would Throwdown work BETTER, if after the profile… they WARNED the chief… “This party we are having… it’s actually going to be a Throwdown with BF. Come prepared to meet the challenge… and don’t worry… Bobby comes to these with the intention of making YOU look good.
I think it would remove that awkwardness that inhibits the show.
I live a couple of blocks from the Doughnut Plant and have thought about trying it out but will not now that I saw Throw Down (and I have the same discomfort as others over the premise of the show). What a prissy bitch that Mark Isreal. His dramatic/flamboyant behavior was put into context when Food Network kept zooming in on the drag queen at the party. Subtle, but they were making a point.
I agree. That guy acted like a diva bitch and I wouldn't buy a doughnut from him even if they are the best in the US. He was such a cry baby jerk...
I'd like all watchers of this episode to help settle a bet between friends. We've tried to find the clip online, but can't seem to locate it.
Issue of contention: Who initiated the jelly handshake? Was it Flay who put jelly in Mark Israel's hand or the other way around?
Do you really think someone as classy as Bobby Flay would initiate something as childish as a jelly handshake????
Ace of Cakes is dumb.
Ace of Cakes is not lame it just sucks.
I thought the episode was hilarious. Mark is Mr. Rock n' Roll Cool Dude & turns into a Whining Sissy in less than 5 seconds. Classic!
I'm 50 years late on this post as I just saw this show, but man was that Mark guy a nasty piece of work. He acted like a total Prima Donna and it was just a shame for him to waste that great opportunity.
Food Network just re-ran this episode. I had seen it once before and remembered Mark being an ass, but I did not remember how much of an ass. I agree with the post that FN was dropping a not-so-subtle hint of their opinion of Mark with the shots of the drag queen. Too funny. I would never, ever try this guy's establishment and I am a doughnut fanatic.
That was absolutely painful to watch. What a child! Would Mark Israel prefer that Bobby Flay had never challenged him? Would he prefer that the rest of the country never hear of him? The point of the throwdown is exposure for these local gems! The point is to put their name up in lights! Does Bobby Flay ever get upset when he loses? Absolutely not! I would have to say that based upon Mark Israel's behavior, I wish I had never heard of him or his prissy donut shop! GROW UP!
Mark Israel, I hope you read this someday, and I have no doubt that you will because I'm sure you google your own name often. To you I would like to say, "GROW THE $*?! UP!"
I got here by googling Mark Israel Douchebag, but yeah cool blog.
I love the concept of "Throwdown". These no-names get exposure and if they can't beat Bobby with their "signature" dish then tough crapola. As far as Mark Israel goes..he's an assbag. Went to NY last week and purposefully passed up Donut Plant (what an idiotic name) due to his crybaby attitude.
I am so tired of hearing how "Bobby Flay's show MADE Mark Israel". Mark's story has been on tv since 1998, in one form or another. ABC(Ugly Betty, Regis' show), Travel Channel, etc, have all showcased Mark. This, however, was supposedly his FIRST half hour special, which I still look forward to seeing.
You people who are choosing to not visit the DP based on this ONE episode of Throwdown is incredibly short-sighted. Like you guys are any better. We've ALL had days where we did things we'd like to "do over." Do those closest to you hold it against you forever when you have an attitude problem? No, you reflect, and things go back to normal.
Stop giving Mark such flack. To tell the truth, he's probably the most honest guy they showed on Throwdown, even if he was a prick.
I see how many people love Kobe Bryant, and he cheated on his wife......so i'm assuming there are no Laker fans on this board. MI had an attitude, and people are treating him like the devil-incarnate, what a joke!
And, for the record, I went to the Doughnut Plant yesterday. Had the Tres Leches(DELICIOUS!), Blackout, and Carrot Cake doughnuts. I will never go to Dunkin Donuts again, now that I've tasted real donuts.
and I plan on going back, so set your opinions to the side, and don't let that get in the way of trying this excellent food.
J.A Wright - actually, I HAVE NEVER had a day where I behaved as badly as Mark. I'm sure most people haven't either. Sure, you may say 1 or 2 mean things, but most people calm down and feel bad after. Not him - he kept it up for the whole episode. Eat his food if you want to - I choose not to support jerks. Bobby gives people major publicity and honors them as "the best in the world" with throwdown. If your idol came up to you and said, "You're the best in the world at what you do. If I beat you, I would've beaten a master. Can we compete?" Would you get angry? Uh...no.
Mark Israel made himself look like a complete jerk. His true colors were clearly on display there.
It's a friendly competition and if you don't act like a moron, it gives you nation wide publicity and more business.
I actually went to one of the places I saw on Throwdown when I was on vacation. Would have never known about it otherwise.
I wouldn't buy a donut from that guy if it were a penny and I was starving.
If it wasn't for this episode, we would never have come to Doughnut Plant on our trip from Houston. But we did see Mark being a little bit of a close talker to some Indian business men...like, creepy close.
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