still more artisanal Donuts.
There's really nothing quite as exciting to Blognut as a happenstance Donut-encounter. It's like finding a $50 bill in the parking lot of Target, only better, because the reward is a Donut. And I know what you're think

ing. This Blognut's an idiot. Because finding an unexpected $50 is more desirable than stumbling across a Donut, because imagine how many Donuts you could buy with 50 bucks. Well it's not the same. It's the accidental face-to-face interaction with the Donut that makes the experience so magical, so let's leave money out of it.
That said, you can imagine my excitement when after a recent meal at the celebrity-infused Soho Brasserie,
Balthazar, I peak into their bakery and notice a small plate of Donuts behind the counter. I confirm with the cashier that what I'm seeing are in fact Donuts:
Balthazar Cashier: "You got it. We've got Double Chocolate and Banana Pecan. You like Donuts?"
Blognut: "If you only knew. I'll take one of each."
I'll start with the Double Chocolate.

First off, it's on the tiny side. Smaller in diameter than an orange, but larger than say, a clementine. My first bite reveals a very subtle, high-end, non-artificial chocolate flavor, as if the dough was lightly-infused with Ghiradelli, Jacques Torres or Maison du Chocolat, rather than Hershey's. The cake-dough is of perfect density – suitable to be used as a paperweight, but not so dense that I feel miserable and oily afterwards. Lastly, the smooth chocolate frosting provides an extra kick of much-enjoyed dark cacao.

The Banana Pecan is even better. The same density and micro-stature as the Chocolate only this time with a subtle nanner flavor. Which is good, because over-bananafying often has disgusting results. Loads of crushed pecans reside in a sweet and creamy glaze coating the top surface. Collectively, the flavors add up to the best banana bread you've ever had.
And thanks to their manageable size, the two Donuts don't leave me overly-full, even after the hearty Duck Pot Pie that preceded them as my main course.
Balthazar80 Spring St
New York, NY
Donut Scores:

There was this one time when I went to Target and found 50 donuts in the parking lot. I contemplated bartering my discovery for the new JT, but then I realized that ingesting that much sugar and custard and jelly would feel something like being punched in the face.
And I've always wondered what it felt like to be punched in the face.
The Good Rev. speaks the truth.
Send me the Donuts Rev.
I work around the corner from Balthazar and am a big fan of their mini donuts. You should go back for a pistachio donut sometime- they are super tasty.
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