Holey Donuts! was founded just last year by a fellow called Frank in Bayridge, Brooklyn. Frank chose the name after biting into his new creation for the first time and proclaiming "Holy Shit! These are really good."The product has been featured on CBS This Morning, and in numerous print publications, and has garnered a respectable celebrity following including Kathy Griffen, Tori Spelling, Ali Landry (HBO's Entourage), Fergi from the Black Eyed Peas and Jason Giambi. But even more beneficial to Holey's growing popularity was their glowing endorsement from the Food Network's Rachael Ray, who in her monthly magazine, Every Day with Rachael Ray, was quoted as saying "Okay, full disclosure: I like Holey Donuts so much that I invested in the company. They're sinfully tasty and lower in fat and calories than regular doughnuts. You gotta try 'em to believe 'em!" Oddly, in an email interview, Frank later tells me she's not actually an investor – suspicious behavior Rachael.
Now this guy Frank has got to be some kind of a marketing genius. Because playing in the background of www.holeydonuts.net is the gentle croon of Israel Kamakawiwo'ole, who you may remember as the 750 lb ukulele player whose medley of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and "What a Wonderful World" appeared in both Finding Forrester and Meet Joe Black. It's like a subliminal reminder from Holey Donuts! that if you eat too many of these:

Or these:

I'm not even sure Donnie Deutsch could have thought of this.
But moving on, just how healthy are these Holey Donuts! you ask? Let's have a look at the specs:
All of HD!'s 23 varieties contain between 3 and 4 grams of fat, compared with around 20 grams present in most traditional Donuts (so it's like you can eat 6 Holeys at the cardiovascular price of 1). Plus Holey Donuts have calorie counts ranging from 160 to 275, roughly 25% lower than competitors. And most important of all, like I said earlier they're completely devoid of trans-fats. Oh, and I almost forgot their new line of Cinnamon Rolls, which are even more impressive in terms of caloric content and fat profile:
Classic Cinnamon Bun | Holey Donuts!™ Cinnamon Bun | |
Serving Size | 1 Roll | 1 Roll |
Calories | 730 | 290 |
Total Fat | 24 grams | 4 grams |
Carbohydrates | 114 grams | 59 grams |
Fiber | 2 grams | 1 gram |
It's almost like they're good for you.
Now before I start throwing around gustatory adjectives and commenting on how Holey Donuts! taste, let's first talk about the over-the-top way in which my Donuts arrive.
First, a Fed-Ex guy shows up at my door holding two packages. Given the size of the boxes, I thought maybe Mrs. Blognut had ordered us a new exercise bike. Turns out it's actually four dozen Holey Donuts cushioned by the company's extreme packaging technique. I tear open the boxes, only to find two more Styrofoam containers waiting inside marked "Perishable." And inside these, still more boxes, this time resting among several jagged chunks of dry ice giving the whole experience a "Weird Science" kind of feel. I open the third series of boxes and finally, Donuts.

There are two ways to prepare Holey Donuts! once they've arrived. You can either let them thaw for 1 to 2 hours – the preferred method – or for those of you seeking immediate Donut satisfaction, a 10-15 second zap in the microwave will do just fine (although in this case one must beware of overly-melted frosting and overly-sticky hands). Any extras can be frozen until you're ready to eat.

HD! has four different variety boxes of Donuts available (of which I received two), plus the cinnamon rolls I mentioned earlier, plus a novelty item called "Donut on a Stick," which should really be called "Donut on a Spoon," because it's actually on a spoon. After having a few friends over to dine on my well-packaged delivery, we come to a consensus, agreeing that the secret to Holey Donuts is in the toppings and the filling. The yeast dough itself just tastes like Wonder Bread (the company avoids deep frying hence the lack of flavor). But the Holey Donuts! trick is cramming and covering this relatively bland base with as much decadence as possible. Which tells you just how bad trans-fats really are – the fact that a Donut covered in sugary frosting and rich chocolate is still 6 times healthier than say, a Krispy Kreme. Well, maybe "healthier" isn't the right word. More like .1666 times not as bad for you. How's that?
And now the Donuts:

Holey Donuts! box #4 contains four ringed varieties: Caramel Vanilla, Black and White, Strawberry Swirl and Marble Frosted. The caramel and chocolate toppings are impressive and completely un-artificial tasting. However, the same can’t be said for the swirl of bright red strawberry goo. While far more satisfying than I’d expected, the ringed varieties just don’t have enough flavor-distraction from the lackluster Wonder-dough. But what the ringed Donuts lack in flavor, is more than made up for by the filled varieties.
Box #1 contains Boston Crème Cookie Crumb, Coconut Creme Pie, Apple Caramel and Raspberry Crumb. The Boston Creme tastes every bit as rich and creamy as standard Pop-Donut issue, and the cookie crumbs on top taste like an oreo-ice cream cone hybird – really one of the more intersting Donuts I’ve tasted. The Apple Caramel has essentially the same topping as the ringed Caramel Vanilla, only this time an ample wad of apple pie filling provides a much-needed flavor boost. It kind of tastes like the filling you’d get at McDonald’s stuffed inside a turnover.

While not as earth shattering as its calorie-packed cousin from the Doughnut Plant, thanks to more rich Boston Crème and loads of shaved coconut, the Coconut Crème Pie is by a landslide, Blognut’s favorite Holey Donut. The Raspberry Crumb is definitely bringing up the rear of Box #1. While the crumbs are a tasty, watered version of those found atop an Entennmen’s crumb cake, the raspberry filling has a slight artificial quality. Don’t get me wrong, I still ate all three, they’re just not quite as good as the rest.

But probably the safest bet of all the Holey Donut! varieties boxes are the Cinnamon Rolls. Every bit as good a Cinnabon or a TJ’s Cinnamon, the swirled dough is smothered in sweet frosting and cinnamon goodness. A really impressive Holey Donut!. And lasty, the Donuts on Sticks are essentially triangular versions of the Coconut and Boston Cremes impaled with a plastic spoon. So no further flavor descriptions are necessary.

So I have to admit, this whole experience was really weird. From the moment the Fed-Ex guy dropped off two enormous boxes, to the giant hunks of dry ice on my floor, to my now-filled-with-frozen-Donuts freezer. But CEO Frank has been more than helpful in providing me with information for this piece, and his Donuts far exceeded my expectations for what a so-called “healthy” Donut could achieve. While obtaining a dozen Holey Donuts! may seem like a lot of effort, they really do make a great late-night snack.
While Holey Donuts! doesn’t plan on opening any retail stores anytime soon (at one point there was one on Nassau Street in Manhattan, which to my knowledge, has since closed), they’ve recently scored a contract with diet delivery service Zone Chefs, and plan to move into the supermarket sector in the coming year. So all of us here at Blognut (meaning me) would like to wish Holey Donuts! Frank a hearty “Good Luck” in his quest to health-ify the world’s finest food. But I have to ask, is there anyway you can stop using so much packaging material? If you keep this up, they’ll have to designate a special Holey Donuts! landfill out in Jersey somewhere to house all the non-biodegradable Styrofoam you go through!

I didn't know a market even existed for "healthy" mail order donuts.
I wonder if DD or KK will counter with their own "healthy" variety.
supposedly both companies are experimenting with tran-fat-free Donuts. i will eat them all.
i love donuts too- be a charlottesvillian... especially spudnuts and carter's mtn. have you ever made donuts at home? there's a pretty good copy-cat krispy kreme recipe on-line. my pick for the best donuts are at Luke's donut shop in Farmington, CT. they used to be closed on Sundays (for religious reasons i'm guessing) if you can believe that..but highly recommended!
omg-i had to give up donuts because i am a trans fat hater and an activist to boot...but given the opportunity to eat one that is free of the bad stuff, i would love that...do they say how they do it??
the vaguely state that they "avoid" the deep-frying process, hence the lack of trans fats. but they don't say how they actually cook them. i think that's the secret ingredient. i'm gunna go have a Donut.
i love cinnamon buns - i hope you saved me one.
although i noticed that the classic bun has more fiber; maybe i should stick with the classic because fiber is healthy.
i've saved you 12 ECM. check my freezer next time you're over.
FREE ULTRA LOW FAT GOURMET DONUTS! - From Holey Donuts-Just place an order at
www.holeydonuts.net then send us an email mentioning you heard about us at BLOGNUT and we will add a second dz free to your order!
The website is
- right after you order send us an email through the contact us page metinoning BLOGNUT and we will add a second dz free when you order 1 dz!!!
mock that singer in Hawaii you will get killed, seriously!
IZ is a real hero for islanders.....
We selected that song as a tribute to him,it is the most wonderful rendition of it.Iam actually not the marketing genus the writer of this blog thinks..the song was chosen based on how dreamy and fitting it is as well as how it compliments our donuts..may IZ always rest in a peaceful place
HD owner
No knock against IZ intended...I actually bought a ukulele last year in Hawaii I was so inspired by the man.
There's been a new development in the healthy donut: http://uweekly.com/cowtown/?p=246
donkin' donuts have less calories then these expensive donuts
Dunkin' Donuts calories
Classic Lite
(Condiments/Sauces) 130
Dunkin' Donuts
Classic Plain
(Condiments/Sauces) 200
Dunkin' Donuts
Garden Veggie
(Condiments/Sauces) 180
Dunkin' Donuts
Savory Chive
(Condiments/Sauces) 190
Dunkin' Donuts
Smoked Salmon
(Condiments/Sauces) 180
Dunkin' Donuts
Chocolate Chocolate Chunk
(Dessert) 210
Dunkin' Donuts
Chocolate Chunk
(Dessert) 220
Dunkin' Donuts
Chocolate Chunk w/Nuts
(Dessert) 230
Dunkin' Donuts
Chocolate White Chocolate Chunk
(Dessert) 230
Dunkin' Donuts
Oatmeal Raisin Pecan
(Dessert) 220
Dunkin' Donuts
Peanut Butter Choc. Chunk w/Nuts
(Dessert) 240
Dunkin' Donuts
Peanut Butter w/Nuts
(Dessert) 240
Dunkin' Donuts
Almond Croissant
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 350
Dunkin' Donuts
Apple Crumb Yeast
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 230
Dunkin' Donuts
Apple Fritter
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 300
Dunkin' Donuts
Apple n' Spice
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 350
Dunkin' Donuts
Apple n' Spice Yeast
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 200
Dunkin' Donuts
Apple n' Spice, Low Fat
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 240
Dunkin' Donuts
Banana Nut
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 360
Dunkin' Donuts
Banana, Low Fat
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 250
Dunkin' Donuts
Bavarian Kreme Yeast
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 210
Dunkin' Donuts
Bismark, Chocolate Iced
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 340
Dunkin' Donuts
Black Raspberry Yeast
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 210
Dunkin' Donuts
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 320
Dunkin' Donuts
Blueberry Cake
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 290
Dunkin' Donuts
Blueberry Crumb Cake
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 240
Dunkin' Donuts
Blueberry, Low Fat
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 250
Dunkin' Donuts
Boston Kreme Yeast
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 240
Dunkin' Donuts
Bow Tie
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 300
Dunkin' Donuts
Bran, Low Fat
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 240
Dunkin' Donuts
Butternut Cake Donut Ring
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 300
Dunkin' Donuts
Butternut Cake Munchkins®
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 200
Dunkin' Donuts
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 340
Dunkin' Donuts
Cherry, Low Fat
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 250
Dunkin' Donuts
Chocolate Chip
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 400
Dunkin' Donuts
Chocolate Coconut Cake
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 300
Dunkin' Donuts
Chocolate Croissant
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 400
Dunkin' Donuts
Chocolate Frosted Cake
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 300
Dunkin' Donuts
Chocolate Frosted Yeast
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 200
Dunkin' Donuts
Chocolate Glazed Cake
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 290
Dunkin' Donuts
Chocolate Glazed Cake Munchkins®
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 200
Dunkin' Donuts
Chocolate Kreme Filled Yeast
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 270
Dunkin' Donuts
Chocolate, Low Fat
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 250
Dunkin' Donuts
Cinnamon Cake
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 270
Dunkin' Donuts
Cinnamon Cake Munchkins®
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 250
Dunkin' Donuts
Coconut Cake
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 290
Dunkin' Donuts
Coconut Cake Munchkins®
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 200
Dunkin' Donuts
Coffee Roll
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 270
Dunkin' Donuts
Coffee Roll, Chocolate Frosted
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 290
Dunkin' Donuts
Coffee Roll, Maple Frosted
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 290
Dunkin' Donuts
Coffee Roll, Vanilla Frosted
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 290
Dunkin' Donuts
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 390
Dunkin' Donuts
Corn, Low Fat
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 240
Dunkin' Donuts
Cranberry Orange Nut
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 350
Dunkin' Donuts
Cranberry Orange, Low Fat
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 240
Dunkin' Donuts
Double Chocolate Cake
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 310
Dunkin' Donuts
Dunkin' Donuts Crullers
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 240
Dunkin' Donuts
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 270
Dunkin' Donuts
Glazed Cake
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 270
Dunkin' Donuts
Glazed Cake Munchkins®
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 200
Dunkin' Donuts
Glazed Chocolate Crullers
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 280
Dunkin' Donuts
Glazed Crullers
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 290
Dunkin' Donuts
Glazed Fritter
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 260
Dunkin' Donuts
Glazed Raised Yeast Munchkins®
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 200
Dunkin' Donuts
Glazed Yeast
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 180
Dunkin' Donuts
Honey Raisin Bran
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 390
Dunkin' Donuts
Jelly Filled Yeast
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 210
Dunkin' Donuts
Jelly Filled Yeast Munchkins®
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 210
Dunkin' Donuts
Jelly Stick
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 290
Dunkin' Donuts
Lemon Poppy Seed
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 360
Dunkin' Donuts
Lemon Yeast
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 200
Dunkin' Donuts
Maple Frosted Yeast
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 210
Dunkin' Donuts
Marble Frosted Yeast
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 200
Dunkin' Donuts
Oat Bran
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 370
Dunkin' Donuts
Old Fashion Cake
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 250
Dunkin' Donuts
Plain Cake Munchkins®
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 220
Dunkin' Donuts
Plain Croissant
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 290
Dunkin' Donuts
Plain Crullers
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 240
Dunkin' Donuts
Powdered Crullers
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 270
Dunkin' Donuts
Powdered Sugar Cake Munchkins®
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 250
Dunkin' Donuts
Powered Cake
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 270
Dunkin' Donuts
Strawberry Frosted Yeast
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 210
Dunkin' Donuts
Strawberry Yeast
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 210
Dunkin' Donuts
Sugar Cake Munchkins®
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 240
Dunkin' Donuts
Sugar Crullers
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 250
Dunkin' Donuts
Sugar Raised Yeast
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 170
Dunkin' Donuts
Sugar Raised Yeast Munchkins®
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 220
Dunkin' Donuts
Sugared Cake
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 250
Dunkin' Donuts
Toasted Coconut Cake
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 300
Dunkin' Donuts
Toasted Coconut Cake Munchkins®
(Donuts, Danish & Muffins) 200
I will never buy from Holey donuts ever again. I contacted Holey Donuts to request another shipment of my order as the first one did not come with the filling inside the donuts. the president of the company told me that they refuse to send out another order, and offer no compensation. How does he expect to bring more customers to the table if he is unwilling to live up to the 100% customer satisfaction stated on his site?
the "cream filled" donuts do not have any cream!! when i contacted them to fix my order, the president contacted me and told me he would do nothing to fix my order.
they taste like plain bread anyway. it isn't worth the $24.
Yeah, costs too much, and they were all melted when I got them! Even my dog turned up his nose at them, and he eats anything! I found this place (see below) which is cheaper and better. Might be worth a try.
Ooooh, I always wanted to go on a "prison style" bread and water diet! Call it a "donut and water" diet!
Fat Free Baked Donutshttp://www.simplyscrumptous.com/Fit_Flavorful_Fat_Free_Donuts_p/ff%20donuts.htm
Holey Donuts are the best! They have the best donuts as well as customer service!!
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The excellent and duly answer.
You'll want to add a facebook button to your blog. I just bookmarked this article, although I had to complete it manually. Simply my $.02 :)
- Robson
I have ordered Holey Donuts once before and had them arrive flash frozen and good, but this week has been a very big disappointment. My order (costing almost $52) arrived not frozen at all, completely melted ice packs and the donuts were soggy, this was Monday evening, it's now Thursday morning and I have emailed and phoned Holey Donuts several times in the past 4 days, I only get their answering service, leave a message and have had absolutely no response whatsoever!!! I am really shocked. Take my advice, don't buy Holey Donuts.
Shelly Cherner
$43.53 for shipping? Hell NO!
I can't believe you missed Psycho Donuts in California! They are amazing with super creative donuts all served by hot nurses in a Donut Asylum! They have paired donuts with wine, made wedding cakes, and are currently up for a Reality Show. Check them out, they're all over the news!
I really want to try these donuts some day, but they are pricey. I hope to win in their free donut contests...hey you never know =)
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Holey Donuts is a completely unethical business. Their prices are incredibly high and the shipping rates unreasonable. They keep a good public image by deleting comments and banning any customer who has negative comments about their products. Their donuts are frozen not fresh and the owner is aggressive to customers. I highly suggest against patronizing this business.
i have been wanting to try their donuts, but after reading this blog, I dont think I will Not only because theyre overpriced, but there is also the packing material, I dont really want to ruin our planet any more than it already is. Also the thought of "wonder bread" dough... cough gag, sorry. I also like the fact they delete negative comments off their page(s). I guess its good people can post them on here .......
oops I meant I Dont like that they delete negative comments off their page. One thinks the company may assume people have the same tastes....
Finally! Now I know how holey donuts packs their donuts & photos posted do help with decision making, I dont think its more of a taste thing, its just seems like too much shipping material & of course price/s&h Maybe there is another, better healthier donut company lurking around somewhere in the U.S
I posted a suggestion on their Facebook page that they took as negative, deleted the comment and banned me from their page. Then when I sent an e-mail wondering why, they sent an extremely rude e-mail back ending in "are you kidding me??". I mean, really -- who does that? What kind of customer service is that? BTW - I was a steady customer since I found them in January 2013 -- five maximum orders in less than three months. And that's how they thank me? No thank you!! Loads of toppings and filling cover up the bland blob of dough you are eating.
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