Just getting to this week's Top Chef. I thought Kevin and his beard might take it, or maybe Jennifer, but Bravo really likes having two brothers battle it out. One looks like Tony Hawk. Ashley probably won't take it but she did manage to make donuts out of cactus this week which is unbelievably awesome. Chefs love donut desserts like they love making foie gras hamburgers and getting tattoos, but this is the first I've seen involving succulents. So here they are. Cactus jelly donuts with orange creme anglaise. They actually look great with their pink and orange-y yellowish drizzle. And the judges seemed to like them OK because Ashley didn't lose. But just OK because she didn't win either. I also like when
Tom leaves the tent to spit out
Mattin's ceviche into the desert.
I lived in NY for threee years and tried Nathan's and Greys dogs, they are OK, but the best dog is in Berkeley, CA at Top Dog. The best, I have also tasted dogs in the Chicago airports, again ok, but Top Dog is the best. And for donuts, again having tried every donut in places I have been, some are ok, others plain terrible. The best donuts, any kind, are at Johnny's Donuts in Lafayette, CA. If you want ice cream try Loards's in Orinda, CA or Fenton's Creamery in Oakland, CA. Worth the trip.
Hotdogs: My dad worked for Fluky as a teenager, so I grew up knowing the man. His are the best Chicago dogs, bar none.
I did my psych residency in LA---I tried Pink's on several occasions, just to make sure it wasn't a one night off thing. Consitently awful. Pinks is to Fluky's as Hades is to Heaven. And just so you know my data isn't from your website on Fluky's: Fluky serves hotdog shaped cinnamon gum. Yum.
PLEASE please don't overlook Buttercream Bakery in Napa California, a wonderful bakery for over 60 years. THE best maple bars in the world. Also, the raised glazed are lovely, and people drive 90 miles for their chocolate/custard filled.Doesn't leave that greasy film on the roof of your mouth.
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