Hi all. I took a break from doughnuts to write an iPhone app with Sutro Media called Eat Manhattan. It's a guide to dining in Manhattan - from dirt cheap to gourmet - and yes, it includes doughnuts! The Doughnut Plant. The Donut Pub. And more. Plus burgers, pizza, street carts, banh mi and lots of high-class chefs.
Check it out at the iTunes Store and become a fan on Facebook.
Back to doughnuts soon.
Several years ago after salivating at the impending arrival of K_____ K____ in our area - I discovered Heavenly Donuts right here in the 'valley' in Methuen MA. At last a doughnut shop that cooks them like my Nana Grant. In addition to the standard products that people have come to expect in a doughnut shop, Heavenly offers a full line of innovative pastries that suit the New England palate. Never got around to testing the K_____ K____ place - they are good, mind you but not Heavenly. Heavenly Donuts now has opened branches in Haverhill MA and Plaistow NH
The best doughnuts on the East Coast,or maybe in the world, are at Congdon's, Wells, Maine. Absolutely no competition! You haven't had a doughnut until you've had a Congdon's doughnut!
I hope you will visit Glazed & Dazed Donuts the next time your family visits the Black Hills in South Dakota. They have wonderful freshly made donuts, but only 'till 12 noon, by which time they are usually sold out! Check them out here: http://blackhillsnow.com/bus/b000100.html
Best Donuts by far in NY Area Beascakes Bakery in Armonk N.Y.
You MUST consume the terrific-tasting donuts at the Greenbush Bakery on Regent St. in Madison WI
They are kosher and they are the very best IN THE WORLD!
It's time you visit Ohio. My family has owned and operated Hamman's Bakery since 1984. It sits in the quaint boating town of Vermilion, right on the shore of Lake Erie. Sour Cream Kuchen is our specialty! Everything is made from scratch on a daily basis...what beats that?! Oh, and we're only 20 minutes west of the greatest amusement park - CEDAR POINT! :)
I guess if you are rich ...
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