Yummies Donuts (cont'd) - After dining on the Yummies front porch we return inside to thank the cashier and catch one more glimpse of the mouth-watering rack of freshly-baked Nuts. Walking to our car we see a long-haired teenager ride up to Yummies on his bicycle being chased by a tiny, bow-legged chihuahua. They both walk into the shop. Blognut decides to wait around to see them leave and get another look at the dog. A minute later they exit, at which point we exchange a few words and compliment the Chihuahua - his name was "Runt." The teenager then gets on his bike and the two of them are off, speeding down highway 776.

Sunday Evening, 8:00 PM - Blognut has the urge for an after-dinner Nut. We pull into a Dunkin' Donuts located at 1801 Tamiami Trail South in Venice. The place is packed with elderly people being served by a small army of frazzled employees (I counted 9). Upon scanning the familiar Dunkin spread, we immediately spot our donuts of choice: two frosted Nuts with completely ridiculous (yet weirdly Florida-friendly) purple and orange icing. Although Dunkin consistently serves up many of our favorite Pop-Nuts, these brightly-colored eye catchers were somewhat disappointing. The acidic bite that comes from over-food dying frosting was hard to get past, and made for a subpar Dunkin Experience.

Donut Score: 4.3
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